My Research

  • Dissertation

    My dissertation, Settlers of the Debtfare Society: Home, Property, and Social Relations after Mexico’s Housing Reform, won the Lichtstern Distinguished Dissertation Prize for the best anthropology dissertation at the University of Chicago. It’s available here. Please email me if you don’t have access.

  • Publications

    These are my latest publications. Please email me for a preprint copy.

    2022 “From Inclusive Informality to Alienating Inclusion: The Rise of Mexico’s Debtfare Society on the Urban Fringes of Guadalajara.” Critical Historical Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2.

    2022 “L’informalité de l’inclusion: réforme, logement et finances dans les nouvelles périphéries du Mexique, le cas de Guadalajara.” In Habiter les villes latino-américaines: Débats, réflexions et enjeux de la recherche urbaine. Paris: L’Harmattan.

  • Ongoing

    I am currently writing my first book, After Inclusion: How a Plan for Mass Homeownership in Mexico Pulled Society Apart and Pushed Liberalism into Crisis. Ultimately, my book answers two questions: why has consumer credit become the cornerstone of development policy, and how does society change when poverty becomes productive for high finance?

    My second project is an ethnographic history of the financialization of water in between Mexico and the United States.